Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mozilla decides to develop Mobile OS.

Mozilla has announced a new project called Boot to Gecko, aimed at developing a mobile OS with standard web technologies.
The experimental project will initially focus on developing a software environment for mobile devices such as smartphones.
According to Mozilla, the current mobile OS market is fragemented by the lack interoperability between platforms. Boot to Gecko (B2G) is aimed at proving that there is market space for a standards-based open web platform.

Mozilla also plans to release source code as it is developed, rather than waiting for an Alpha or Beta release, with the hopes that the development process will be far more open and fluid than Google’s Android OS.
While there are a variety of open source software projects within the same vein as B2G, such as PhoneGap, Webian, ChromeOS and WebOS, none have the same focus as B2G. Mozilla has also opened the possibility for collaboration with the above and other projects during B2G development.
A code repository for the B2G project is hosted on GitHub, and will feature more content as the project matures.

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